Sunday 7 October 2012

Joining a Katia Scarf

Since this is such a useful thing to know, I thought I'd do a proper post on it. If you fancy the idea of knitting one of these scarves, come in and have a look! We have a huge range of types and colours to choose from, and half-knitted samples of most of them so you can try before you buy.

Some of the Katia yarns will occassionally have a knot in them due to the manufacturing process, or maybe you might want to join up a couple of colours to make an interesting mulitcoloured scarf. It's really nice and easy to do! And this is how:

If you find a knot like this, first off, chop it off!

Make sure you end up with two fairly neat edges:

Lay these two edges over each other like this:

Next, pinch hold of the top of this and knit through two holes together as if they are one:

The two ends will be safely joined, and won't come apart.

You can leave them alone if you want to and just keep knitting. Due to the nature of the yarn the join shouldn't be noticeable, the next ruffle will lay over it hiding it. But if you want to, you can actually sew the ends in so they're completely hidden.

Just use a nice large needle and a piece of coordinating colour cotton and oversew the ends in place.

This is a few rows on.

Spot the join!

(It's about three rows down from the needle on the right hand side, but it's not easy to see at all!)

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